Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Gas, Oil, Lpg
Commercial Engineers - Nationwide: 0121 330 1122
24 Hours Service
From APR 2023 to APR 2024
Call-Out charges will be as follow
minimum charge is 2 hours
The charges that apply to calls attended between 8-00 am and 5-00 pm Monday to Friday:
Call-Out Charge £ 99.00. Hourly rate £ 49.00 per hour
Out of hours charges at all other times are:
Call-Out charge £119.00
The charges that apply to calls attended between 8-00 am and 5-00 pm Monday to Friday:
Call-Out Charge £ NIL
Hourly rate £ 49.00 per hour
Out of hours charges at all other times:
Call-Out charge 1 hour.
All hours charged at double time rates
As Per Site Visit
Minimum Charge Is £148.00
Discount Available For Large Number Of Items
VAT Will be Apply to All Above
If You Require Any Enquiry, please contact Atlantic Engineering Group On: 0121 330 1122
E-mail: theAEGuk@gmail.com
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